Brown, Lasiommata megera
The first Wall Brown was recorded on 12 May and they were seen in
reasonably good numbers through to 15th September. We are now
getting regular records from Bilsdean, right along the coast to North Berwick.
Each year we get one or two inland records, but we don’t seem to have any
inland sites where they are regularly seen year after year.
Blue, Celastrina argiolus
Yet again we had a single record of a Holly Blue in East Lothian. This
time it was in North Berwick on 15 May. I am sure there must be a little colony
of them in one of the coastal towns around there.
Heath, Coenonympha pamphilus
The first Small Heath seen in East Lothian in 2016 was on 15 May and
they were recorded until 29 August. Numbers were a little down on previous
years, but not by too much.
Blue, Polyommatus icarus
Common Blues were first seen on 8 June and regularly recorded through to 3 September. The
numbers were very similar to previous years.
Ringlet, Aphantpopus hyperantus
Ringlets seemed to have a pretty good year, with numbers only a little
lower than in previous years. The first record I received was on 19 June and
they were seen until 17 August.
Skipper, Thymelicus sylvestris
The first record in 2016 of a Small Skipper was on 19 June and they
were seen through to the end of August. They are very well established now
along the coast from Longniddry to North Berwick and at a couple of inland
Brown, Maniola jurtina
The first Meadow Brown record was on 2 July and they were seen in good
numbers through to the 30 August. They didn’t seem to be affected by the
miserable summer.
Green Fritillary, Argynnis aglaja
The first record was on 3 July and they were seen in reasonable numbers but only until early August when I received the last record of the year.
Northern Brown Argus, Aricia artaxeres
I only received two records of Northern Brown Argus this year on 14 July
and 30 July, both from the same site in the Lammermuir Hills. There are only
another three locations that I am aware of them occurring in East Lothian, and
I think the poor weather prevented other sites from being checked.
Pearl Bordered Fritillary, Clossiana selene
We had a record of a Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary from the usual
site in the Lammermuir Hills on 14 July. There were also two records of a Small
Pearl Bordered Fritillary from John Muir Country Park on the 16 and 18 August.
These are quite late in the season, but were recorded by different people in
more or less the same area.
Grayling, Hypparchia semele
The first record was on 18 July, which is about three weeks
behind the norm. They were still seen in reasonable numbers, though. I am only aware of three small sites where Graylings are found in East Lothian, so they are quite vulnerable to habitat loss.
Beauty, Nymphalis antiopa
I heard of a very exciting record that a
Camberwell Beauty had been seen feeding on a Buddleia on 26 August in a garden in Dunbar. It
was seen in the same place the following day. This is the first record of this
very rare migrant that I am aware of in East Lothian since 1983. I have no
reason to doubt this record even though there were no further records of it
having been seen elsewhere.
The other butterfly that we may have expected to see was a Large Skipper, Ochlodes sylvanus. We had three records of them in East Lothian in 2014, but none since. There is a good colony of Large Skippers just over the border at Cockburnspath and I have no doubt that they are still in East Lothian. It is just that the weather has been very poor over the last two summers so people haven't been down to that corner of East Lothian to look for them. I will certainly make an effort to search for them in 2017.
So, all in all, it wasn't a bad year for butterflies given the weather. Most species did as well as ever, but there were worryingly few Small Tortoiseshells, Peacocks and Commas later in the year. I thought that this could be because the weather was poor at a critical time just after the caterpillars had hatched. However, Red Admirals and Painted Ladies did well and they would have been caterpillars around the same time.
We have found a few hibernating Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks, so hopefully their numbers will bounce back this year. Already I have received a record of a Peacock and a Small Tortoiseshell flying this year!